Amor Fati
Liz Gilbert (Eat Pray Love): I
did love you, Stephen.
Stephen: I know. But I still love
Liz: So, love me.
Stephen: But I miss you.
Liz: So, miss me. Send me love
and light every time you think of me. Then drop it. It won’t last forever.
Nothing does.
What is it in the heart of mankind that holds on, and
refuses to let some Loves go? What about our hearts is strong and stubborn
enough to believe that love, even when it comes with so much baggage, is still
worthwhile? These lyrics by Andy Biersack from his solo career as Andy Black,
speak to this concept…
Pick Up the pieces before we let this go…
Faded in, Faded out
The feeling’s gone, it’s like we’re enemies
Checking in, checking out
We’re strangers now, but I don’t believe that
Love was made to break
No I don’t believe that love was made to break.
I hadn’t heard it put
like that, in that way, but when set up with his music, it really hit home.
Love was not made to break, it was made to bind, to hold, to persevere, to give
and above all, to sacrifice…but not break. When we break, our human bodies and
emotions fail this otherworldly force that can connect two people endlessly.
Not just two romantic partners, even, but the love of a family, love for
teammates, teachers, pets, children, even dreams…Love was not made to break, it
was made to sustain, to bolster, to protect, to believe and to BE THERE no
matter what. I’m convinced broken hearts came with the fall. I know, I know,
take the evangelical out, “all badness came from the fall”, but hear me out. I believe
that broken hearts were created when love was yanked out of its ground in newly
born hearts.
What causes the most
bitterness? What causes suffering? What causes cynicism and uncertainty?
Lack of Love.
Somehow, we loose this
inhuman quality or it gets loose inside us, and we fight it, because it is so
holy, that we know there’s something amazing about it. We feel this connection
with something and when they feel it back, there is nothing to compare with
that sensation of “realness” or “belonging” or “wholeness”. Bitterness and
cynicism grow in the ground of a heart and mind that has either never had love,
had a bent and twisted love, or has grown accustomed to ignoring love because
the ones who offered it weren’t strong enough to maintain it.
Caring for anyone can
sometimes feel like holding on to a fire hose, connected directly to a fire
hydrant that’s always turned on. If you haven’t seen this in action, one hose
can often take 5 to 6 big firemen in full gear to hold it steady. Love is
massive, it’s fierce, it’s intense and it’s strong, and sometimes we are just
weak. I have fallen in love with two people in my entire life. They are both
exes, at the time of this writing, but one of them is going to get married this
month. I haven’t seen, or dealt with them since 2014, but I have flashbacks at
the most inopportune times, and I feel this ache. I knew I loved him. It was so
hard, trying to work with an emotionally needy, somewhat manipulative, but
generous heart like his, and I’m sure I wasn’t a walk in the park either, but
our vibes synced up in the most amazing ways. We met when we were both
shattered, emotionally, and struggling through a dark place. We leaned on each
other and that grew into a deep connection. I can look back now and see the
potholes, the grey areas and the ways that I was played, and I understand that
now. I gave a lot, and he accepted a lot…overall, yes, it was good that we
broke up when we did. Do I wonder how we would be now that we are totally
different people? Yes. I do. Do I wonder if we would have ever worked? Yes.
Does it matter? By the end of this month, this post will be a useless,
rhetorical examination of a long-dead carcass…but As I’ve written about before,
Cathexis is my attempt to find meaning when I do not have control, or
understanding of something. I do not think that love was made to die. I still
love the young adult I knew at college. I still care about the hearts I have
fallen for, in my life, but to be “In Love”…that’s a rare thing.
I want the best for
those who are no longer in my life. I want the best for them, for him, for all
of them, even if I don’t ever want to see some of them again. How is that
possible? How can we be so deep with someone and then something, someday,
stops? How have people so easily shut those hydrants off? This is the only one
I have not been able to cauterize, 4 years later, and I still ache sometimes. I
can’t imagine how divorced people do it. I’ve seen it happen, I’ve grown up
around divorce and I know what it can do to families. I’ve seen and felt
engagements die, I’ve seen marriages die, I’ve seen new love start and new
freedoms given to their hearts, and I am proud of how fearless some hearts can
be. I do not feel fearless. I feel hyper-analytical and cynical. Because, too,
too easily, we can end up living in misery, with a heart that doesn’t love us.
There are few things in this world that are as lonely as being in a
relationship with someone who acts like they’re single, with you. And there is
no escape from that loneliness, unless they change their heart, which if they don’t
want to, they won’t. I despair and cringe when I think of being attached to
someone who could care less if I was around. How easily we negate someone’s
existence if it makes us inconvenienced or unhappy.
This is a post that
will have to be left open ended, because there is no closure that I can find in
my fearful, doubting heart, yet. Maybe someday the story will change for the
better. Maybe it will stay the same, and I pray it doesn’t get worse. But I do
know one thing…Love always remains.
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